holy wild.

Hello, is anyone out there?

This is a blog.

Are these still a thing?

My friends have long been telling me to get back to writing, so here we are.

A lifetime ago when I was birthing babies and had toddlers at my feet I started a little blog which became a constant companion, an outlet to the world, and an online scrapbook of memories. That season was fun but eventually came to a close as life got increasingly busy. Years and life have passed and I find myself in a new season of birthing but not kids this time (thank goodness). I’m in a season of dreaming new dreams and like mothering a newborn, terrifying in its own way.

I call this my midlife awakening.

A holy wild.

Wild because I’m pioneering new territory in my story and holy because I’m surrendered to following God’s leading at all cost. Awakening, because after the past couple years I’m finally waking up again with renewed strength and fresh vision. Two years ago my husband and I stepped out of a long season of building and leading with dear friends and began a completely new chapter together as a family. It has been stretching, holy and hard, but more on that later. Bryson now leads a global non-profit called Partners and I am finding my own voice in this season of writing, teaching, freelance work + consulting and curating trips to the Holy Land — my favorite place in the world. This blog will be my microphone + photo album, a humble outlet once again to share my journey and the lessons learned along the way of this bumpy + unexpected path. I promise you this, I’ll share honestly and aim to be helpful. I plan to write about faith, motherhood, design, travel and things that inspire me. I’d also love to know what’s interesting to you, so let me know in the comments below. Thanks for following along.

Let’s begin…again. Together.


therapy camp.